Diversions Movies

Of Castles and Damsels in Distress

I accompanied Russell on a location scouting excursion to Loveland, Ohio yesterday (not far north of Cincinnati). Russell found himself in of need of a castle for a film adaptation of his stage play, The Babbling Banshee. Being the obses- I mean, aspiring, clever independent filmmaker that he is, he found a castle about 2 hours and 40 minutes from Bloomington. Loveland Castle was built by a single man over the course of fifty plus years. Yikes! This crazy genius (he carried all of the stone from the river bed nearby) utilized a variety of architectural influences but importantly: the exterior of the castle looks Norman, just like those that are smattered about the Irish countryside. Yay! Russ is waiting on word back from the good Knights as to whether or not shooting there is an option.

Man stands in the small courtyard near a castle.
Russell is very excited about making a movie. You can tell because he is glowing.

The weather was rainy- of the misty drizzle variety, not unlike Irish weather.  I uploaded a few shots from the trip to Flickr. I also uploaded a few shots I took before the new year- mostly of me playing with camera settings.

A photo I did not upload this afternoon: a recent one of myself. Mom has been expecting one of me in my new winter coat (which she financed) and my newly trimmed hair (I went even shorter this weekend) for quite some time. I don’t know what it is with me and photographs. I’m never in my own and I am inexplicably not in other peoples’ photos either. I just checked the file of photos from the Tech Services party- nothing. Not even the back of my head. I didn’t even leave early this time. A latent talent? Perhaps it’s my superpower.

I will take some photos of myself and send them soon, Mom-poo (not taken by the camera phone!). Perhaps I’ll even get around to creating an avatar.

3 replies on “Of Castles and Damsels in Distress”

Meh. Avatars that actually contain photos of yourself are boring, anyway. *G* (Says she who doesn’t even use a humanoid one–my standard avatar is a stylized sun, the same design as my tattoo except that the center is filled with CGI flame instead of being empty.)

Castle is cool, but Banshee has obviously changed since MCCT did it? The script I remember was set in a bar and it seems like it would be kind of awkward to try to work in a castle. Head scratch. But it’s been a while since that production, I know.


I was hoping for an arty-looking photo, so I can be super lame and cliched : )

And no, Banshee hasn’t changed that much, but with film, Russ can now show each of the tales that Ryan relates- so the castle would feature in parts of the Cormac MacArt tale (the king who is tricked and loses his family). Russ has also cast a banshee, a leprechaun, and many other miscellaneous characters to help tell the stories. It’s been an interesting process seeing the screenplay take shape from the stage play.


Oh, it MUST be black and white, then. You have many options for angle, lighting, etc., but absolutely monochrome. (Everything looks artsier in black and white. Heh.)

And thanks for the explanation–that makes a lot more sense.


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